Category Archives: parents

oNe lIFe tO lIVe!

” I wish for a wish,

sometimes its so hard to find, that perfect line,

If I had wings, I would fly and come to you,

If   I were a cuckoo, I would sing a melody for you,

If I were a peacock, I would dance in the rain”

Well well well this is no romantic post…..Just that the little poet in me came out…..It was just the other day that one of my colleagues asked me, hey if you were not a public relations’ professional what would you be? And I told him 4-5 different things that I wanted to do…Or rather, let me put it across this way…. I wanted to pursue different careers and all of them seriously thought about and magnanimous in their own way…..

I wanted to join the army and gave my entrance for SSC (Short service commission) got through, but then due to emotional blackmail from home had to give it up!

After that I decided I wanted to be a journalist, broadcast and be  investigative or crime reporter…..But then things dint materialize..

Then I thought chatter box that I am, I should try an RJ’s job….Went for audition, got shortlisted, but had to sign a contract for 2 years which I couldn’t do at that point of time as I was in my second year degree college and on vacations would go home….

All of this was when I was graduating and had to decide my career move very meticulously. Well people may think that I must be confused…No I was not at all confused nor am I confused now. Well its just that I wanted to have different careers at the same time….. If given a chance even now I would love to pursue all of the above mentioned careers.

In fact many of us fall in 3 categories;

  1. I chose this career as it is the most chased and aspired in the market
  2. I happen to be in this field just by chance
  3. I chose this career because it pays me well

There could be hundred other reason as to why people choose to do what they are doing, but then most of us feel that we would have been better off or rather performed better if we were doing the things which we were passionate about. It could be dancing, sports, singing acting, modeling, making handicrafts or anything…It also has to with the societal norms, or parents to a great extent  who push us to do the set agenda stuff….It has to be the mainstream things…If the kid is doing what is not regular  education stuff and wants to pursue something different, parents gt paranoid and assume that their kid is good for nothing. Well I guess our generation at least will be different because of the kind of exposure and mentality that we have.

Only if we had an option that we could pursue various careers for a period of time , this world would have been a different place to live….But we have just one life and can achieve only a few things!


Posted by on May 6, 2009 in career, education, friends, life, parents


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